About Potton Consolidated Charity


Grants Available to Potton Residents


The Charity is charged with giving assistance to any qualifying cause resident within the Parish of Potton. This does not exclude organisations outside of Potton, but any grants received must be used for the benefit of Potton residents.


Buildings/Open space/Facilities


Open space

PCC will consider and has supported projects concerned with the maintenance and upkeep of communal buildings/recreation areas that are the responsibility of non-profit making organisations. In extreme circumstances the Charity will consider repair or renovations of private premises where the claimant is particularly in need.



The Charity is served by nine trustees,

Four of which are nominated from the Town Council, currently

Alan Leggatt

Angus MacDonald

George Howe

and Anna Adnitt


Four are co-opted by the other trustees and are currently

Charles Belcher (Chairman)

Mike O’Keefe

Terry Woods

and Andre Allison

Each of these trustees serves a fixed term of five years.


The ninth Trustee is the Vicar of the Parish of Potton, who is currently Rev. Alex Wheatley and serves for as long as he holds this office.